
Créé le 9 octobre 2023

15 000 FCFA

de 350 000 FCFA

2 participants 1 commentaires

SamaMentor focuses on three main objectives: using mentorship as a means to support education for underprivileged students, giving students especially girls the opportunity to not only go to school but also stay in school and finally connecting resources outside of schools to help build confidence in students in Senegal.

We encourage students to support and help each other with mentorship between students. We understand that for some parents, it is a struggle to buy school materials for their children, unfortunately kids have to drop out of school because their family cannot afford the expenses related to classes.

SamaMentor wants to find people that can help make a difference in children's lives by finding sponsors like You to ensure that students that need support receive them.

We are all ambassadors for education as we know that knowledge does not have a price!

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Commentaires (1)

Oumar Ngalla (10 000 FCFA )
Je soutiens cette initiative qui est très noble. Que Dieu vous bénisse. Dans les lycées et collèges il y a des jeunes filles qui s'absentent pendant des jours car elles n'ont pas les moyens psychologiques, matériels et financiers pour faire face à cette situation. Ce qui peut être un frein leur cursus. Bravo
le 28/02/2024, 18:54:41
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